Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Janet Hubert to Wendy Williams

Dear Wiggy, (I mean Wendy)
Recently on your show, you felt the need to finally as you say it put an end to the mystery surrounding my departure from a show that I did so damn long ago that I don't even remember why I departed. 
Wiggy… William…whatever you are supposed to be, I am not quite sure really, I am writing you yet again to appeal to your sense of womanhood, or manhood as some suggest,  to simply shut your mouth about things that you know nothing of.
 I watched your horrible show to see dear Tatyana Ali, sadly to say fall into your trap, even brought personal pictures of our wonderful days on the show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Most people watch you just to see what heinous things, your mouth… which I compare to an over flowing volcano, will spew forth on that day.

Now perhaps other black women have allowed you to berate them and will continue to support you in this manner of current madness, by rewarding hatefulness. It seems to have become the norm and has sadly taken over our society.
 But I… Janet Hubert, who have vowed to try and not do this ever again (God forgive me) sat there and watched you tell the world that I was not the nice mother? I sat there and watched you, like some kind of devilish sinkhole swallow up Tatyana Ali, reduced her to a child sitting there attempting to keep some semblance of dignity about her as you pried and invaded her life until you got what you wanted.  
You are a demon Wendy…you are a wicked, awful, conniving, sinister, spiteful, jealous of every other woman, simply put Wendy… you are a virus… and you are not, nor have ever been a true woman.
Your audience thirsts for the blood of others as they are prompted, to clap, hoot, and holler at your garish shoes, wigs and clothing. You will have stars on your show and demean them before they even make it back home.
 Who died and told you that you were reborn as Oprah. You want to be Oprah so damn bad you would kill for it, and you will kill anyone to achieve success. You will never be another Oprah, Oprah lifted her audience up; she exuded an air of class.
But you Wendy, you are not even in my league, this is so beneath me to even bother with someone like you, but you asked for it, so... here you are.
 You will not destroy all the hard work that I went through in the last decade to clear my good name. I simply put will not allow you to do so. I am a lady and a real one, Wendy…you just messed with the wrong sister. 
I am a classically trained actress…funny for all that you and the world claim I have done, I should have had my own show like you… correct, because there is nothing I could have ever done in this lifetime in my career that could  equal the vulgarity, and ugliness, and hatred that you spew in one single day.
 Here is my advice to you Wendy…learn to sit in a chair and stop fidgeting with yourself on camera, wipe your giant teeth off camera…put sweat pit pads under your arms…if your sweater is pulling honey until there are lines across your chest… it is too tight. Take that fake ass blond hair off your head or stop playing the race card, cause you are coming off like a wanna be white girl who will never be white.
I have never seen anything except for the hogs I used to feed before school, slobber at the mere sight of food so I even question your humanness.  I have never seen such a display of self hatred Wendy.  Just a couple of more suggestions to you…stop dissing all of us who have embraced our natural hair as I and many others have, and yes Wendy it does belong on the red carpet, whether you like it or not. I feel so sorry for you… sitting on your big footed tacky throne everyday while millions of people laugh at you…not with you…there is a big difference. Nobody cares what you think about their lives, but we do care about what you put out there about us. My heart saddens at how women especially black women have embraced your evil after all our struggles in society. You and your kind have set us back at least 100 years.
How dare you chastise anyone when you are such a travesty? 
Now take that… chew it my dear... and stick it on your (Lord have mercy you are disgusting) ridden gum wall.  


  1. Wow... I respect you.. So.. That is why I cannot understand why you would take so much energy... To address something like this which you feel is beneath you. In that crazy thing called television.. I think the attention has more to do with the fact that your presence was missed enough after you left the show... To still have a place in a media forum...

    1. Hey Cheryl, People are generally not that smart. I don't know why she felt the need to discuss me, unless it was payback, but I grow really weary. Many people leave shows, so why still discuss it. The interview was for Tatyana not me, so stick she should have been more attentive to her guest. Open the door and you invite me in. She has done this too many is getting as old as my story.

    2. You are right.. People aren't... But the best way she knows how to communicate is through the "negative" forum that she's been using for ohhh so long... I guess it's too bad that some lack the intelligence to see it for what it generally is - tasteless -
      you brought alot to the show..
      which continues to have a following... It's too easy to say we'd love to see "Janet Hubert" in a well written prime time show!

    3. It feels mighty similar to catching someone on camera hurling dog shit, but they continue to say otherwise and continue.

  2. Although I don't know her personally, I have never seen what the appeal for her was and when it is my turn, I will never darken her doorstep with my presence. I don't think crass, obtrusive people who have no Journalistic Integrity or basic Communication skills or training for that matter deserve the pleasure of my company. Janet, you are a beautiful unbelievably talented Woman. You truly do not need to explain yourself to anyone for something that is and was in the past. Move forward, move on and let the others lag behind in the past!

  3. You expressed yourself and it's better to let it out than to keep it in where it's toxic to your body and soul. Yes, this is intense, but so what? This is how you feel and you're dealing with adults-I'm not judging anybody. Maybe just for yourself my beloved, be aware of calling someone out on their bad and destructive behavior and attitude vs slipping over into insulting them; but I get your warrior-goddess justice energy being expressed to its fullest. I support your speaking up and speaking out your truth, God bless you Janet!

  4. Hey Dee, that morning my son was stuck in Cancun, lost his passport, got robbed, needed to get home. Just too many factors added to the equation. Last thing I expected to hear was my name. Damn when I want to promote something positive, it is next to impossible, but the moment you put your foot into somebodies but who just kicked you. This is what you end up with. Melee!!! I am a cowgirl from a long way back. I know how to ride the storm I just wish it would end finally. My warrior spirit is always on red alert, it affects everyone around me. If you want to dish it out, you have to be able to take it. That's how we did it in my neighborhood.

  5. Thank you V.
    I thought I was doing that. If she wants to talk to me then pick up the phone and call me.

  6. You have and will always be a great actress.. I have followed you for a long time and I see the strong woman that you are. Wendy Williams is about showing the ignorant side of people. You are not that type of lady to show ignorance. You have always been a classy lady to me and I see grace within. Thank you for being and showing true class..
